The People Behind The Disney Magic

In the song “Famous Friends” by Chris Young and Kane Brown, there’s the line “I’ve got some famous friends you’ve probably never heard of.” At Disney, the amount of talent was over the top, and like the song says, you probably don’t know many of them. Today, we are going to chat about just a few of the amazing people BEHIND the scenes at Disney. We hope you will join us in celebrating all the folks that are backstage bringing the magic!

Rules We Don’t Live By

Are you a rule follower? Today we dig into the idea of rules and specifically, rules we don’t follow. Join us for some good discussion and debate on rules that we don’t follow or rules we wished we followed but don’t. You might even think of some of your own rules that you want to break! Let’s get a little “wild”, and break some rules together, today on Trailmix!